Christmas food and teeth

Christmas is one of the most popular holidays of the year, many people around the world celebrate it together with their families and friends. and usually at this time people gather around the holiday table and enjoy festive meals. Alas, holiday meals and snacks are not always good for the teeth. Let’s figure out how to make our holiday table safe and healthy for our oral health.


Caramel and toffees

Caramel contains a lot of sugar, often softens when eaten and, like toffee, sticks to teeth in hard-to-reach places. In addition, it takes a decent amount of time to eat caramel, and all the while your teeth are at the mercy of destructive bacteria and acids.

Candy canes on red background

Candy Canes

The effect of candy on the teeth is similar to caramel, but they have another unpleasant feature: they are very hard, so they can leave microcracks on the enamel. And microcracks not only increase the likelihood of future cavities, but also reduce the strength of teeth, making them more fragile and vulnerable.

Carbonated drink close-up

Sugary and Carbonated Drinks

The main reasons why soda is bad for oral health are its high acidity and high sugar content. Acids leach calcium from hydroxyapatite, a mineral that is the basis of tooth enamel. As a result, the enamel loses its strength and becomes prone to erosion and tooth decay.

Potato chips on a dish

Rough, abrasive food

This includes a variety of snacks, wafers, cookies, crisps, and chips. When you chew them, you risk scratching the enamel. It is, of course, the hardest tissue in the body, but its strength is not absolute. The scratches will happily harbor caries bacteria.


Christmas turkey on a table


Turkey is not only a traditional Christmas favorite, but one of the healthiest meats rich with protein and with mild content of fats as well. Turkey meat contains calcium, fluoride and vitamins A, B, D, which helps strengthen bone tissue, teeth and nails.


We all know that cheese contains Calcium, which is quite useful for teeth. But above that, this dental-healthy snack shifts your pH toward alkaline,  protecting your teeth from caries. So it would be a good idea to keep some space for cheesy snacks on your Christmas table.

Green and herbal tea in a cup

Tea, especially green tea

Tea is a good source of fluoride, and therefore if you drink green tea without sugar, you can strengthen tooth enamel and protect against cavities.

Nits and seeds

Nuts and seeds

For example, almonds, hazelnuts, peeled sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds. They are rich in vitamins and minerals such as calcium and magnesium. Certainly, they must be natural or toasted, but not sweetened with honey or sugar. 

Do not forget to have a dental check-up after holidays!

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